Month: August 2011

  • Good Heaven’s, it’s been over a year! Wow~

    What a year it has been! So many changes…I’m not sure where to begin.

    First off I suppose is the fact that I have been cancer free for a over a year! My chemo fogged brain is slowly getting back to normal and I am feeling so much better! The only health issue I am dealing with now is a whacked out thyroid. I had a thyroid ablation in March because I could not get my thyroid regulated with medication. I was either hyper or hypo.

    So, I now have a totally deactivated thyroid, no thyroid hormone activity whatsoever. As a result I  have no energy, depression/moodiness, brittle shredding fingernails, and more memory problems among other things. However, I saw my endocrinologist on Friday and have been placed on Synthroid, which I will be on for the rest of my life, Cytomel which is used  with the Synthroid to jump-start my thyroid working again. In a week or two I should be back to relative normal~ YAY!

     In other parts of my life, I was transferred to our administration office, which necessitated moving across town to a new apartment. Due to the above mentioned health problems, I am still settling into my new home, which I have been in since December. Almost everything is done except my dining room and living room, both of which looks like a storage room. I have confidence I will have  most of this done in a couple of weeks, specially once my energy and more importantly my motivation is back to normal.

    Which brings me to my body health and weight. Thanks in part to lack of thyroid, I have put more weight on than I might normally have. This is by no means the only reason I have gained weight, however, another side effect of none working thyroid is a decreased appetite. So I kinda scratch my head when I gain weight and I am not eating nearly as much normally do.

    On the upside, with having taken steps to get my health back to normal, I am motivated to pick up where I left off and start Sparking again. I went shopping today and bought only healthy food to fill my fridge with. I chopped and pre-portioned my fruits and veggies so I can just reach in my fridge when making my lunch and dinner and know I have the proper portions without having to think about it. Whole grains, fresh (and frozen) fruit and veggies, skinless chicken, cereal and even small bags of popcorn, I am ready for the week. I even bought a new scale for weighing myself once a week.

    Now I need to get motivated to move! This may take a little more work on my part…need to get motivated and excited again. I will be more likely once my energy returns, but I can’t wait til I am totally there…I must start where I am. May a little dancing, I even bought one of Leslie Sansone’s walking dvds, This of course will be easier to do once I have room in my living room. Thank goodness I have my laptop and a little room in my bedroom.

    So, here I am…baby steps. One day at time. heart